
Bad Leadership: A Journey to Terror

Transformation enablement starts with the journey to find the right partner. Leadership and leveraging teams are critical to success.

In this parody of a bad deal process, we accompany a team on a journey to a real place called Dirty Swamp. Dirty Swamp is a bad label for a beautiful place. One of the team members knows this, but a bad leader follows some bad "expert" advice and the team gets into some serious trouble.

Key takeaways:

- Teams comprise people, not just titles.

- Failure to leverage the full skills of each team member is a terrible waste

- Deal processes build "deal memory". This memory outlives the procurement cycle and must be carefully guarded

- One of the hallmarks of a great negotiator for transformation enablement is the ability to be protective while building enduring positive deal memory

- Don't jump into a swamp in October. You can get a horrible cold!


Don't Fail Before You Start


VLOG 2: Beating Instincts -- A Good Contract Is An Operating Manual