Never Wrestle With a Pig

Ever think about how many arguments you have that just don’t matter?

Are you driving toward real results—or just trying to win?

Now the tough question: Is it them… or is it you who won’t let go?

If it’s them, can you just say “okay” and move on?

If it’s you—good news. You’re in control. You can stop. Because in the end, wrestling in the mud just gets you dirty.

The real power? Knowing when to stop.

Your deal, transformation program, team, business, marriage, friends, even your crazy uncle at Thanksgiving, will thank you.

How much time do you supposed we waste, and how many relationships do you supposed we destroy, with arguments that don't even matter?

Ed Hansen

Founder, Transformation Enablement LLC

Vulnerability or Super Power?


Don’t Dig Yourself Into A Relationship Hole