Stand for Something — Ease Tension and Create Leverage!

Have you ever thought about what you stand for? If you haven’t, it makes it very difficult to handle protracted negotiations. Why? Because if you don’t know what you stand for you have to constantly make foundational decisions, and that’s exhausting. Even worse, whether you want to or not, eventually you will project what you stand for, and that includes being confused about where your north star is located.

In our view, this is the major difference between just learning negotiating techniques that can close a point and being able to handle intricate negotiations that build relationships. If you stand for something, you will behave that way over time, you will structure any deal you’re working on to reflect those beliefs, and, most importantly, you will build trust.

The trust that you build will create the right kind of leverage. We call this “relationship leverage” and it is this leverage that survives the RFx, and drives behaviors during execution. It drives deal innovation, problem solving, and flawless execution management. It’s powerful, effective, and a much less stressful way to live your life if you do deals for a living.

Ed Hansen

Founder, Transformation Enablement LLC

Aligning On The Continuum


Aggressiveness Does NOT Equal Assertiveness (... and Why We Do What We Do)