A Little Humility Goes A Long Way

Last night I watched a video of a guy reacting to a rock band from the 60's. He made fun of their clothes, said he guessed that someone might like this but he couldn't get over how silly they looked, made fun of the bass player's beard, said the bass player was being overly dramatic in his singing, and noticed that the bass player and the "guy in the fur coat playing guitar" seemed to be in on some kind of stupid joke.

The stupid looking bass player was Paul McCartney, the Guy in the fur coat was John Lennon, the song was I've Got a Feeling and the overly dramatic singing was the iconic "Yeah's" that Paul sings as the guitars are building.

Here are 7 reasons why humility (and it's close cousin, curiosity) in the face of the unknown is crucial:

1. You avoid looking foolish
↳ When you don't know something, pretending you do usually backfires.
↳ It's better to admit ignorance than to make incorrect assumptions.

2. You open yourself to learning
↳ Humility allows you to ask questions and seek knowledge.
↳ This leads to personal and professional growth.

3. You build better relationships
↳ People appreciate honesty and humility.
↳ It fosters trust and respect.

4. You avoid unnecessary conflict
↳ Making fun of things you don't understand can lead to arguments.
↳ Humility helps you approach situations with an open mind.

5. You gain new perspectives
↳ Being humble allows you to see things from others' viewpoints.
↳ This can enrich your understanding and experiences.

6. You set a good example
↳ Demonstrating humility encourages others to do the same.
↳ It creates a culture of respect and continuous learning.

7. You enhance your credibility
↳ Admitting when you don't know something makes you more credible.
↳ People trust those who are honest about their knowledge and limitations.

Humility is a strength.

It shows you are confident enough to admit when you don't know something.

Embrace the unknown with humility (and never make fun of the Beatles. I mean, c-mon, they're the Beatles for crying out loud!).

Ed Hansen

Founder, Transformation Enablement LLC


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